A training workshop on developing policy briefs for Voluntary Partnership Agreements in Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (VPA/FLEGT) was held over two days in Quy Nhon City on 28-29 December. The workshop, organised by GIZ in collaboration with the Centre for Rural Development in Central Vietnam (CRD), was held to support non-state actors (NSAs) to make meaningful contributions to VPA/FLEGT monitoring and implementation.

Prior to the workshop, the GIZ Bio. Project worked with several NSAs (timber associations and civil society organisations) to identify how they might contribute to the VPA/FLEGT monitoring and implementation process. Based on their previous knowledge and experience, the NSAs determined their probable roles and assessed whether they had the necessary capacity to take them on.

During the workshop over 20 NSA participants visited two timber enterprises. Following the visits, participants developed the first draft of a policy brief on the need to concretise and monitor labour and insurance compliance in SMEs to protect vulnerable workers.
Associate Professor Lê Thi Kim Lan, a former lecturer at Hue University of Sciences with experience in sociological analysis, said, “The analysis should be based on how enterprises implement the regulations in practice, not on what they have done on paper.”
The participants are working hard to find evidence to enhance the value of the policy brief, which will be reviewed by experts before its scheduled release in late January 2021.

(Nguồn: GIZ in VIET NAM)