Teachers from 9 high schools in Quang Tri Province attended a training on “Diversity of gender and sexuality – Creating a friendly environment for LGBT youths” on December 14 2018.

The training was an opportunity for educators to understand more about their LGBT students and plan their actions to protect and support them in the future. Many interesting information about Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression was delivered by Mr. Huynh Minh Thao – Communication Manager of ICS, an organization working for the promotion and protection of rights for LGBT community.
A teacher revealed that the training had broadened her knowledge about LGBT-related issues, especially those related to LGBT students. “I only learned about sex education and reproductive health so there was not enough information to help them. I will continue to learn more about how to help LGBT students in my school to live as well as possible, and I look forward to seeing more and more of these sessions for other teachers.”, said she.
The project is part of a series of activities of the project “Promoting non-discrimination and inclusion of LGBT children and youths in Central Region of Vietnam” implemented by the Centre for Rural Development in Central Vietnam (CRD). The project was funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada via Canada Fund for Local Initiatives.