In May 8-9, a training course on Introduction of Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (VPA-FLEGT) and Technical support method for household forest growers were conducted by Center for Rural Development in Central Vietnam (CRD), University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University and Quang Tri VPA-FLEGT implementation supporting CSOs network for micro-enterprises in Hue City.
There were 12 participants from state management agencies and social organizations in Quang Tri province, including Forest Protection Department; FSC certification groups; Union of Science and Technology Associations; Forestry Club; Farmer’s Union; Center for Vocational Training, Counseling, Cooperative and Enterprise Support; Center for Social Development and Enterprise Consulting, and Center for Environment and Agricultural Development Research.
The trainer, Dr. Hoang Huy Tuan – Dean of Faculty of Forestry, University of Agriculture and Forestry, introduced and shared the basics of VPA-FLEGT; legal timber requirements for household forest growers. At the training course, participants were enthusiastically instructed on the technical support method for households to comply with legal timber requirements and some critical skills to be a trainer. In addition to theoretical knowledge, participants were also divided into two groups to discuss the technical support method for household forest growers through analyzing the current situation and identifying technical support needs. Trainees, at the end of the training course have built a practical work plan and agreed on the assignment of officials from authorities and organizations to conduct training courses for trainees of household forest growers in the upcoming time.
The trainees, after the two-day training course, are able to become trainers to conduct 5 training courses for FSC-certified and large timber household forest growers in Quang Tri province.
According to the plan, each trainee will have one day to practice the training before re-training in Quang Tri province. This activity is a part of the project “Supporting small business holders comply with the legality definition requirements in order to effectively participate in national and global timber supply chains” with the support of the EU-FAO FLEGT program through the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).